About ICT Directorate

About ICT Directorate

Mission of ICT Directorate

To make available the best ICT resources for academic and management operation of Karatina University

Vision of ICT Directorate

To become a dynamic directorate of ICT excellence propelling Karatina University to world-class status

Our Core Values

  • Our obligations will be executed with commitment and professionalism
  • The values of integrity and meritocracy will guide all directorate activities
  • We will maintain a sense of self respect, discipline and responsibility
  • We commit ourselves to the practice of teamwork
  • We embrace efficacy and excellence

Organisational Setup
The ICT Directorate is made up of four departments, each function with peculiar responsibilities of ensuring that the ICT policies turn into actions. In order to operationalise the objectives of the Directorate a structure is formulated and implemented. The structures are implemented directly by the creation of Units Departments under its jurisdiction. The following broad Units or Departments are implemented by ICT

  1. ICT Equipment Maintenance and Support Services
  2. Network Infrastructure and Security Unit
  3. Databases and Management Information Systems Unit
  4. Multimedia and Web Services Department / Unit